This is the issue I was getting when trying to update plugins:
Using WP 4.9.6 I update an plugin resulting in:
Updating Plugin Akismet Anti-Spam (1/1)
Downloading update from…
Unpacking the update…
Installing the latest version…
Removing the old version of the plugin…
Plugin update failed: Could not remove the old plugin.
And this was the error I was getting when trying to update WordPress:
The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.: wp-admin/includes/update-core.php
First, you need to ssh in your Synology box
This login as your superadmin
sudo -i
Then you need to change your WordPress site folder group/user
chown -R http:http volume1/web/your-wp-site
Finally you need to add the below line to `wp-config.php`
/** Set up ‘direct’ method for wordpress, auto update without FTP */
define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct’);
And that’s it! Good luck! If updates still fail check your site file/folder permissions.
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