I’ve been using Compass for awhile now… the best tool to compile your SASS. Below are some plugins I use to help create that perfect website.
To get started you first need to install ‘Ruby’ and ‘Compass’ and the below plugins… So when you start writing up your SASS you can call in Mixins from any of those plugins. The rest is magic!!!
Insert these to your ‘config.rb’ file.
# Require any additional compass plugins here.
require ‘compass-recipes’
require ‘compass-css-arrow’
require ‘breakpoint’
require ‘susy’
require ‘rgbapng’
require ‘compass-normalize’
require ‘animate-sass’
require ‘toolkit’
require ‘sassy-buttons’
require ‘font-awesome-sass’
//require ‘bootstrap-sass’ // Some of you would like to use Bootstrap framework
Add these to your ‘_layout.scss’ file.
//Compass Mixins
@import ‘compass’;
@import ‘compass/reset’;
@import ‘breakpoint’;
@import ‘compass-css-arrow’;
@import ‘rgbapng’;
@import ‘bootstrap’;
@import ‘toolkit’;
@import ‘sassy-buttons’;
@import ‘font-awesome’;
@import ‘susy’;
@import ‘toolkit/fluid-media’;
@import ‘toolkit/nested-context’;
@import ‘animate/shared’;
@import ‘animate/animations/attention-seekers’;
@import ‘animate/animations/flippers’;
@import ‘animate/animations/fading-entrances’;
@import ‘recipes/effect/ribbon’;
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